Displaying lists in multi drop down from list of text

I am displaying data within a pop-up from a thing. The field is a list of texts. There is a multi drop down field that should allow the user to amend the option they made. The options are coming from an option set.

When the user opens up the pop up they should see the currently saved data for that thing with the option to edit it by removing or adding in new options from the option set.

I know the default field is where this display of existing data is to be configured by the syntax always ends up red what ever I try. When I try and change the Type of choices to text the other fields get knocked out to red, so can’t align them together.

Hi :wave: It should indeed be in the default value. Can you send us the syntax error you see when you add the expression on the default value field?

Your field in DB should be of the type of your OS.
But… because you have set text…
What you can do is to set the type of choice to TEXT and use All OS Personal Titles’s display (that will be a list of text). Option caption will be Current option text

Is this what you mean?

This is what I tried initially…

Yes… but you need to complete Choices source with 's display

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Yes, it just clicked as I was playing with it. Thank you!