[Feature enhancement] New elements tree with more powerful interactions and shortcuts

Sometimes single click to open the editor wouldn’t be good. For example. If I am trying to select two or more elements at a time. I don’t want to unselect the previous element, I just need to find the next one. :man_shrugging: Just a thought to keep in mind.

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Bubble really needs a small experienced developer council they can go to for actual advice on what matters to the users that bring in Bubble’s revenue. That would require so little effort to implement, and such a big impact, but it’s not done. The ideaboard is such a waste of time!


@kate.mcnally Are you guys going to provide any update as to when any of these issues are going to be fixed? The lack of transparency and communication here is brutal. The only thing you’ve said at all is “we’ll keep this on our radar.” That sentence should not apply to bugs. There are things that are broken. FIX THEM!!!

I do not understand the logic of forcing an update down our throats for something that worked just fine before but then making something like the parenthesis feature (which is basically unanimously loved by all) optional.

@georgecollier is exactly right. You guys don’t seem to know what your power users want. I GUARANTEE, you would get power users volunteering for free to consult on what is valuable to them.

I still have yet to use the table element as it lacks so many required features. That was released 9 months ago and it still is not even close to where it needs to be for it to replace a header group with an RG underneath. Instead of completing that feature, you have (I’m assuming) dropped all development and moved resources to this and now we’re seeing the same thing all over again.

Do you guys unlock cash from your investors based on how many features you release on a monthly basis? I don’t know where the upgrade to the elements tree was on the idea board but I’d be shocked to find out it was anywhere close to something like the table element. It’s about time you guys start rethinking how you release product features and how you decide what features to work on next.

PLEASE stop thinking that new feature releases are what keep power users on your platform. I can’t speak for anyone else but I can speak for myself that it’s stuff like this super clunky feature makes me rethink bubble.

If your business model is newbie bubble users that spend at most $32/month, then fine, but don’t think that’s going to keep me around.

Perhaps a bit cheeky, but after getting the “expected behavior” step once again today I feel like its necessary. IMO it’s not a support staff issue, it’s an organizational one. Based on how often this happens there’s clearly a procedural/philosphical issue in their team with how they handle “terrible UX but not technically a bug since our engineers accounted for it” issues.


Come on, mate. It’s not that fast haha It takes even more than 7 days to get your problem solved. haha

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Even more to that is the now automatic closing of tickets. I sent a bug report on March 27 asking Bubble support to look at their logs to see why an option value was not getting stored correctly (workflow action is set to a single option of confirmed, but my app logs show it saved as started, which causes a chain reaction in a live app with real users and real money involved).

After waiting until March 30th to hear a response, which was that support can see the issue and after checking their logs can confirm the issue exists, but in order for them to send to engineering I need to provide steps to reproduce.

Thanks a lot for waiting! I was able to look at the logs and I do see that the ‘status_option_task’ was set to ‘started’ as opposed to what should have been ‘confirmed’. In order for us to investigate, we do need to be able to reproduce and dig a bit deeper to investigate and provide you with a resolution or file a report to the engineering team who will need to reproduce this behavior again to investigate on their end.

Why in the world would they need steps to reproduce? They have access to the logs that show every single step involved, and in even greater details than we can access in our own app logs. All engineering would do is follow the steps and then look at the logs to see what happened. Why is it impossible for them to just look at the logs for the specific instance of the bug causing a problem to figure it out?

Then 3 days later on April 2nd I get an email that the ticket has been marked as resolved and closed.

You recently contacted our team for assistance, and we wanted to note that your Support inquiry has been marked as resolved and its associated ticket has been closed.

In my mind, that is a real pathetic way to get the numbers up for showcasing in the monthly community update how many Bug tickets get closed and resolved in how many days. A vanity metric that shows no real insights into the every increasingly maddening support that is provided by Bubble (not the support agents, they are just working as cogs in the machine - it is the machine architect to blame).

So, now what? Because I don’t have enough free time to jump when Bubble support instructs me to jump I have to go through the whole process again? I have still yet to reply to see if the ticket is going to get opened again or if I will be met with a likely response of ‘this ticket is closed, please submit a new bug report’.


This is as expected and it is maddening

Not only maddening that they closed the ticket and I need to create a new one, but also maddening because the Bug has degraded the data integrity even further


This single feature will change the experience of many devs a lot

PLEASE enable that when you click on an element it appears right away.

It was a fun experiment to increase dev time, but now revert or improve, don’t stay silent.


It might be from the beginning but I noticed it since yesterday : I can not highlight text in the element tree when an element is in edition mode.
See below screenshot. I want to rename an element and select with the mouse part of the text : the element will instead think I want to drag it and it’ll start following my mouse.


From the beginning. @kate.mcnally was tagged 15 days ago about it with a video demonstration, yet, nothing has been done as of yet. They should just remove the name change feature.

This complaint by @kate.mcnally click-the-eye-to-show needs about a million more upvotes. I hate it too!


The bug report system isn’t something that has been worth my time, unless I think a bug is exclusive to me. Bubble will react to mass bug reports for the same issue, but that’s not really worth it on an individual level. I recommend just making a forum post under bugs. People may complain that you aren’t reporting it but that’s not really our problem isn’t it?

Just chiming in about reporting bugs versus posting in the forums.

Reporting, especially for widespread bugs, gets direct attention from the bug report and engineering teams. They don’t roam the forums looking for bug reports. Which IMO is fair since I myself wouldn’t do it if I had to juggle bugs versus combing a forum.

Yes it’s definitely frustrating to see the same template response but every business will use a template response.

I don’t disagree with most of the points brought up thus far about how Bubble prioritises what comes next, but I have to say that they’ve kept their end of the bargain so far. Maybe I’m just one of the lucky ones that don’t experience disruptions because of my timezone?

I tip my hat off to Bubblers like @boston85719 who take the time to report bugs in detail. They are the ones that help expedite the Bubble team to implement fixes to the benefit of the community too.


Fair enough I guess. Other business hire their own testers. Others might look into the preferred method of communication of their community. Some might look at bug reports that take so long to create and reply to. I think a business should come to us for feedback, come to where we already are leaving feedback, and have a robust testing wing.

I’ll provide an analogy. Microsoft doesn’t have much of a testing branch these days, it used to be all in house. Ever since they started relying on automated bug reports and user bug reports, windows has never been buggier. It’s the same kind of situation

The ‘search elements’ really needs to be tweaked, it’s beyond frustrating right now.

Most times you are searching for an element you will be searching for a group by name. Once found, you expand it to see its children, but nothing is shown because the children are also filtered using the searchbar. Very annoying, but ok I’ll just clear the searchinput… but as soon as you clear it you are scrolled back to the top of the element tree and you’ve lost the group you were searching for.

At the very least once the search is cleared, scroll to the element that is currently selected . Ideally the children of filtered elements would be shown regardless of whether they contain the keyword. But something needs to change. In these conditions, it would honestly be better not to have it.


Shouldn’t I be able to drag and drop existing elements within the new element tree? For instance I used to be able to drag an existing text element from one group to another and now I can’t. Am I missing something?

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After a month now of working with this element tree daily for 4-5 hours, I can confidently conclude that this new tree is completely BROKEN. Development time has increased by at least 10-15% on my end, and frustration much more. The features added on the tree are all useless: Icons are useless, the hide/show eye button is useless, lock button is useless and renaming elements in the tree is also useless.

You’ve broken something that was perfectly functional before, without providing any option to roll back and without addressing any of the issues. It’s incredibly frustrating…


I know I’m a vocal minority but I honestly love the new changes to the editor.

It’s intuitive and I have similar control when using both the element tree and the canvas. Previously I felt gimped when using the element tree versus the canvas.

Took a few hours of adjustment but I work faster now. It just needs more keyboard shortcuts, like switching between the main tabs in the property editor.


agree! it takes a small adjustment, but got it now

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I’m annoyed you can’t replace element type from sidebar and I used Arc Boosts to decrease the top and bottom padding but it’s alright