Hello, there I am looking for a freelancer to create a team quiz on bubble.
Multiple teams join simultaneously at a certain time (the game does not start before then) and complete the quiz with different steps. Every team has a dedicated access and play remotely with the other team mates. A final time ranking is published at the end to get the winner with time results.
Hey @mauri! Out of boredom I made a trivia app on Bubble…check it out: https://quizantine.com.
You can use the promo code GAMEON to try it out for free. I’ll keep that promo live for a bit so really anyone can try it out for that matter!
Once you create the game, you will be directed to a dynamic page which is your host portal. From there you can paste your zoom (or any video platform) link, set a game time, pick rounds/questions, invite players, etc.
There’s also a dynamic page created for the players. You send them an email from the host panel, or send the PLAYER LINK (seen in GAME HOME picture above). When they open the link, they’re given the option to create a team or log in. Then:
Once the game has started (from the host panel), the JOIN GAME button becomes live and players can enter the answer sheet (seen in pic with the accordion). This is where your players will answer their questions as they appear on the screen and are read via the video conference.
Question flow and scoring is all managed from the host panel which is great.
I’ve been using it on the weekend with my friends and family. On average we’ll have 25-30 active users on their during a game. Other than one Saturday night a couple weeks ago when bubble was having an outage, it’s worked flawlessly. Logs have been showing that we’re not close to reaching capacity.
Happy to let you use the promo code for a bit. Or get you on the right path to making your own version!
Fantastic work, thanks for sharing! Apps like this are inspiration for bubblers both new and old!
Thanks, @nfish! Appreciate the words and agreed. So much to learn, so much to build.
Hi Mauri,
I would like to develop this if it’s still open.