HELP! Cannot set up Sendgrid

Trying the Rich Postmark Emails plug in right now. Do either of these options allow email sending by workflow? Tks

Yup they do. It’s pretty basic, so if you need more options building your own API is the way to go

Cool basic should more than cover what I need for now. I will wait for approval and then lets see

I’d assume Postmark would get to it Monday, but they are usually responsive during their Operating Hours, so if you don’t get approved right away, I’d just reach out

Hi @johnny All is set up with Postmark and working for me with the Rich Postmark Emails plug in. I see the new workflow option for send email with Postmark and it comes through great. I can trigger notification emails to users. What I cannot work out how to do is send password reset requests which still go from bubble and would rather they also went from our domain. I Googled but basically seems to say this should work. Any idea? Thank you so much.

For sure, so you’d still need to run the password reset link option, but instead of sending the email, click on the checkbox that says something like “Generate Token”.

Then you’d need to insert the link on Postmark in the following format: Insert Website Home URLreset_pw?reset=TOKEN from result of step 1.

Does that make sense?

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Thanks @johnny Could I ask what the above means? Is this on the workflow. I only see Postmark - Send Email and Postmaker - Send Email DEBUGGER as options. so I am just not sure where to insert the link. Thank you for all your help.

In the workflow action

Thanks. I can see where to generate token but I am not sure of how to action:
“Then you’d need to insert the link on Postmark in the following format: Insert Website Home URLreset_pw?reset=TOKEN from result of step 1.”
Is it possible you could clarify? Thank you.

I have my own custom API setup for Postmark, but it’s the same concept.

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Cool thanks I could set that up. Hopefully this helps someone else. So Sendgrid did not work for me - could not even get the DNS settings done after a week or corresponding with their help desk. Postmark was relatively painless without needed their helpdesk by using the Rich Postmark Email plug in (@Vinicius thank you!) and help from @johnny

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