Help with: Issues to fix

Hey all,

So I was just wondering if anyone might know whats going on here.


I have 34 issues to fix but most of them (20+) are all saying ‘remember to fill out data to send.’

So I’m wondering if there is always data to send, or if this is an option that is not really necessary?

For example, when a user is signed in, and they want to go from home page to pricing page, do I have to send any data?

Does anyone know how to fix this?



The destination page is expecting data. Check what the destination page data type is and send what it is expecting.

If a Page’s type of data to expect is set to anything, it will expect some data.

If you don’t need to send data to a page, mark the ‘type of data to send’ as blank

Oh wow, I changed the page ‘home’ from type of content ‘user’ to nothing and it removed 18 issues.

The page was not showing any user data, only displaying something the user creates in the data type in a repeating group on the page.

How about for an API call, when there are multiple paths, and one path must be left blank, an issue still pops up saying to fill the path even though I don’t need to.

is there something I can type in to remove this issue?

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You must define the parameter as option in the api editor.

Honestly I don’t really like the “if you set a page content, you MUST send it content”. I get around this by putting an empty group with the same data type then “sending” that “data” to the page. Annoying, but oh well.

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