Our company is using heteml mail server and we want to receive and send email inside Bubble (we are going to make CRM in bubble).
We think it is possible to send email but we cannot find how to receive email inside bubble.
We will appreciate if anyone has the answer.
Thank you.
July 23, 2024, 9:50am
For receiving an email, you can send that to the Data/Workflow API in Bubble so that it creates a thing in the database for the respective users.
The Data API allows other systems to search for, read, create, modify and delete data in your application’s database via a RESTful interface.
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You can setup an API using your email service or, what I recomend is setting up a zapier connection to send email data to your bubble app
Thank you for your answer!
I will suggest this to our developer.
Thank you again.
Thank you for your answer!.
I will suggest this to our developer.
Thanks again.
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Hi @xhouse.at
In addition to @jahanzeb.khn07 solution, if you want people to answer to an email and that email to then create a thing/ take an action, also try having a look at Inbound Messaging with external service like Postmark.
@xhouse.at @animisha45
Look into loops.so while you’re at it. Its a lot simpler to customize email styles
October 1, 2024, 9:29am
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