I am building CRM platform using bubble.io.
How can i send and receive emails?
Is it possible that users login in and see all email and also search for email?
It’s not gmail, but custom domain.
I am building CRM platform using bubble.io.
How can i send and receive emails?
Is it possible that users login in and see all email and also search for email?
It’s not gmail, but custom domain.
It’s nice to hear that you are building a crm platform on bubble. Was also working on a crm project named Abigail some days ago but was working for the wrong company. So concerning sending of emails is it for login or sign up functionality, are they searching for the mail in their gmail or on bubble?
Customers can login, send and receive emails on bubble platform.
Do you have any experience?
You can make use of sendgrid for that
What about mailgun?
Is it possible to receive emails using sendgrid?
And if it is, how can i do that?
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