Invoice Payment Link

Anyone know of a plugin which would create an “Invoice” into a link?

I’m trying to build a dashboard where say if the user has customer A that needs to be invoiced for $1000, they can with the click of a button send an email to customer A with the invoice as a pdf, and a link to pay.

I’m using Stripe to manage payments.

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You can create a page with the “Invoice” as data type. You can send the user to this page using (12345678x12345678)
On this page you will have the payment button for stripe and you will be able to manage the invoice status too once it’s paid


Thank you!

There’s a stripe billing functionality/product, but doesn’t have a plugin associated with it so I was wondering if there was a way to do that in bubble i.e directly going to the stripe hosted invoice page

Are you looking for a template like this? (use the dropdown navigation on the right to go to the dashboard and look at invoices)

Not sure if there is a way to go directly to a Stripe Invoice and use that as a payment page

Yes it’s also possible to do that. But not with the native Bubble plugin. I don’t know if another one provide the url to invoice too. But yes it’s possible

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I’m pretty sure with Stripe, you can grab the direct invoice URL?

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Yes, it works. I’ve done this with Stripe several times and you can grab the direct invoice easily. I’ve done this with the Bubble plugin too because of the nice interface and detailed instructions. I bet even a guy who doesn’t know anything about websites could work with this template. Honestly, I had some troubles with implementing an invoice payment link feature but had to implement it on my website anyway. We have an online gambling payment software atm and this feature is necessary to make our services better.

Hi, I am making an invoicing page right now. I have set up stripe connect marketplace payments and the merchants can send invoices to their customers. I am having trouble with changing the status of the payment from outstanding to paid only when the customer has made the payment. Do you know how I could do that?

Depends how you initiated the payment

I create a checkout session with metadata of invoice ID for a fixed amount and then have a webhook for the checkout session completed event in Stripe. Then I just search for the invoice where unique ID= checkout session’s metadata ID and update its status to paid.

If you’re creating a PaymentIntent there’s probably a similar webhook for that.

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Ok thank you so much for your help. Honestly I’m not that familiar with webhooks, would you mind taking a look at my workflow? Basically I just did a very simple method where merchants update an input for a specific booking in their repeating group and an input in the customers repeating group of bookings gets updated with a final price and the customer then clicks the pay button and gets taken to stripe checkout for that amount. Here is the workflow I have set up.

Ignore the condition