Issue with the official Stripe module


Question first, then background:

Is it a known issue that in the official Stripe Payment module, the option “Stripe plan name” blanks out its value from time to time?

So exciting times - After first starting with 2 weeks ago we launched our app earlier this morning! We ran multiple tests last night, including payments in live mode against Stripe. They all passed without error.

We had our first customer purchase an hour ago - or so we thought. The customer received this error message:

Luckily the error message was super descriptive leading me straight to the issue - The Stripe Payment Plan was missing / blank on Live mode. What I did was go to dev mode, “re-click” the same payment plan (Only have 1), deploy and confirm it was now on live mode. We did 1 more internal test super quick before letting the very patient customer try again - luckily it passed.

The strange thing here is that I’m the only one touching both and Stripe, and after our tests last night I changed nothing related to this on either platforms.

Is this a known issue? Is there something I can do / should not do to ensure it won’t happen again?

We are planning to drive a lot of traffic towards it coming week, so would be good to be confident knowing this won’t happen again.

Copy the live keys in dev fields on the stripe settings. It’s a known bug.

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Thanks for the reply!

Just to be 100% sure:

I should take the live set keys and paste into both Live and development fields on the Stripe settings?

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