I am looking to see if I can incorporate dynamic data (multiple) into a dropdown menu in bubble - I know they have a multi drop down - but that seems to be for static - because I don’t see dynamic providing me with multiple references.
Here is what I mean - this is an appointment/calendar feature (see image on left) - the top menu (with image) is a drop down that will offer different choices (see image on the right) the member would choose which choice they want and then continue choosing day/time of the appointment. The data would come from db and be (image) (name of service) (price) (length of time)
The drop down only lists specific services tied to a single practitioner.

Thank you for your help - sorry if this has already been discussed - I looked but didn’t find before I posted. 
I’m not entirely sure I understand your question (multidropdowns can be used with Static or Dynamic data…)…
But if you’re asking how to create a ‘dropdown’ that contains images and text (as in the pictures you shared) just create your own using a regular group for the ‘closed’ dropdown box, and a group focus with a RG inside it for the ‘open’ dropdown.
Sorry for not being clearer -
Perhaps these images make it a bit clearer - in one image I was trying to allow for multiple choices using dynamic data (it seems to only allow me one input from db) - while you can see the static allows for multiple choices - 1, 2,3…(which wouldn’t work because the data is stored)
i wanted to enable 4 different data to be dynamically inserted into the drop down reflecting the different choices/services that each practitioner offers to their clients -
So, you are saying that I would have to create a repeating group within the drop down for each of the dynamic content (in this case there are 4, image, service,… etc)? - then why would I use multi drop down (and moreso why do they call it a multi dropdown if you have to build in repeating groups anyway) - sorry if that is a stupid question - i really don’t understand.
Perhaps these images make it a bit clearer - in one image I was trying to allow for multiple choices using dynamic data (it seems to only allow me one input from db) - while you can see the static allows for multiple choices - 1, 2,3…(which wouldn’t work because the data is stored)
i wanted to enable 4 different data to be dynamically inserted into the drop down reflecting the different choices/services that each practitioner offers to their clients -
I think you’re misunderstand two basic things here…
- the concept of dynamic data.
- How the multi dropdown element works…
I’d suggest taking a look at the Bubble manual, and/or working through some basic tutorials to get a good understanding of the various input elements, and how they work with dynamic data.
So, you are saying that I would have to create a repeating group within the drop down for each of the dynamic content (in this case there are 4, image, service,… etc)?
No, I’m not saying that… (that defeats the purpose of a RG)… you use a RG to display multiple things.
then why would I use multi drop down
You wouldn’t… you’d be creating your own UI component instead.
I’m still not entirely sure I understand your original question so I can’t offer much more help than that at the moment…
Yeah - it’s actually not misunderstanding dynamic data - it’s the functionality of the dropdown element - I just created another page using multi-drop down element and it showed me that I was trying to use it in the wrong way in the above plea for help… Sorry if I have wasted your time, but thank you for your patience and your help.
Best -
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