No confirmation mail without password confirmation?

Hi all,

This one feels a basic and I feel weird having to ask…but can you help out to get confirmation mails being send out again?

I had my sign in running and functional for a long time with a basic User Email-, Password & Password confirmation field running.
I decided ‘Why ask Password confirmation’ and decided to take that field out. I unchecked the “Password confirmation” box on the workflow…and now no confirmation mails are being sent any more :confused: .
How can I make this work without Password confirmation field?


It might be a coincidence, since Bubble currently has an email issue. Have you set up your own Sendgrid key yet?

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Whatttt? ìs email confirmation down, already more than a week :open_mouth: :scream:???
That is insane

There is a long history of Sendgrid outages, leading many to switch to other email services. SendGrid Giving You Trouble? Use Postmark Instead

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It’s not that email confirmations are down – it’s the email delivering bit of it. And this only affects you if you don’t have your own Sendgrid API key.

But as @AndyMountHood suggested, Sendgrid isn’t great anyway, so I’d recommend Postmark or Mailgun.