I’ve recently passed the Bubble.io developer certification exam! It was an interesting experience for me, as my background has been in Salesforce, studying and passing 12 Salesforce Certifications over the last 10 years. I’ve written an article about the experience preparing, studying and passing the exam that I hope will be useful to others!
Three things that would be an improvement in my opinion:
Giving topic level results so that you know which topics you need to work on. For example you may have scored strongly in the Layout and Styles topic but not API’s.
Role or skill based certification - Salesforce has certifications for admins, developers, architects and consultants, as well as in particular functionality. (I know that Bubble is working on creating more specialised exams)
More scenario based questions - as the bubble editor can be used in the exam, scenario based questions can really test applying knowledge and using the tool to achieve an objective with time constraints