Personnal plan question (hosting, domain,ssl)


I have few questions about the personal plan:

Is bubble hosting my website ?

How I can choose my domaine name ? and how I can know if it’s free ?

How I can create many professional email with my domain name ?

Currently I’m on basic plan and I can’t see how it’s really works on personnal plan…

Thank you
have a good day


Bubble host your site.

Your create your domain using a domain name provider. It’s up to you to choose which one and pay the fee for the domain name. Most of them will also offer your to create email with your own domain. This is not related to Bubble. But Bubble will accept to work with your domain if you configure it correctly in your domain name provider.

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Ok thank you but what is it ?

This is to be able to use your domain with Bubble.

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ok thanks and the email settings it’s for what ?

This is to use with the Bybble native send email function.

ok it’s not for the professionnal email right ?

Can you recommend a domain provider with the offer to create professional email ?
