How can I make the user create a seller account with stripe and provide them the bank details instead of doing it inside the app? or open a pop up with stripe log in like it happens with paypal
If you want them to create a seller account, you can use this workflow which you get by installing Bubbles Stripe plugin.
This creates a standard seller account, when the workflow is triggered, the user is directed to stripe to log in or register. When when they are done, they redirect back to your site. Now their seller ID is saved in a hidden field on the user itself.
That is absolutely fantastic. I got 2 more questions if you dont mind. One being, does Stripe allow for the same user to be both a seller and a customer (same email)? The second one is I am currently using stripe.js plugin. Can I use both bubble and stripe.js at the same time? I ask the latest because bubble plugin doesnt have the option to make a transfer, since I am building a marketplace.
And when the user signs up as a seller trough stripe does he have to insert his bank details?
I have built a type of marketplace myself, having the email as a customer and seller is no problem. Although I think they are technically separate entities in the Stripe database. I use Bubbles Stripe plugin together with Stripe.js no issues there.
As for if he has to enter his bank details I think yes. You can check what info they have to put in by running the workflow yourself in development mode there you can make stripe users in the test mode.
Stripe is great for testing, when you use the /version-test version of your website, bubble automatically uses your Stripe test API keys.
If what you are saying is correct I believe you saved my life my friend.
Haha If you have any more questions just ask away.
I will tell you what my biggest problem is. Stripe.js does a great job and pretty much has all functionalities I need or anyone needs for a marketplace. The problem comes only when creating a seller and associating its bank details. Because I am in Europe we use IBAN instead of routing numbers and account numbers, and so With stripe.js I have no way of associate the bank details of the user to its seller account.
Can you detail a bit more what you are trying to do?
This is what your users see when they sign up as a seller on your platform.
If that is by using bubble stripe plugin then it it is exactly what I want, because with stripe.js it is not possible.
Yes, this is the Bubble Stripe plugin, this is the easiest way and it’s all you need to start.
Stripe.js only supports Custom Accounts with Stripe Connect, that is much more complicated.
Learn more about the different account types here:
And here:
Stripe has more great documentation, it goes really in-depth.
Honestly I have had a look at that but havent really go in depth. All I need honestly is for a seller to create an account with stripe, and I be able to store their Id so that whenever theres a transaction or purchase I can transfer them the cash via their id, in this case with stripe.js action calls
Did you ever figure this out? It’s a headache trying to get answers for what seems like a simple hurdle. If you could share your workflow and stripe settings that would be huge. I’ve spent days trying to get answers on how to do this.