Search on User table not returning results

Can someone tell me what I am doing daft.
I am trying to create a record on a button click that inserts two foreign keys. One is fine from a page parameter - the other is trying to insert the unique user id of an email address typed into a text box. Seems straight forward, either Im doing something stupid or there is a limitation on search in the user table? The search criteria is below

And the rest here

It doesnt populate and if I change the criteria to a count it returns zero but the record is definitely in the data table and I have checked for leading or trailing spaces. Is there anything obvious in the above?

Is the users “carer_id” their email?

I’d think that might be something else which is why it’s not matching any. If so thats an easy fix :grinning:

No the carer_id is the foreign key field that is part of the Create New thing (data record)I want to populate with that users unique id (I have used email above just to try and get a result. Changed below - same issue


Hi there, @marcoforte8… the issue could be related to privacy rules, specifically this rule. So, check out that link and see if it helps.



Perfect, thanks Mike