"Send password reset email" results in "We weren't able to complete your action. Please try again..."

Hi, as an admin I created some users and now I wish to send them a mail to set their pwd.
I have a workflow “Send password reset email” with flagged “Just make token, don’t send email”. The token in is then used in a crafted email.

As I try to run the workflow, the first step returns “We weren’t able to complete your action. Please try again…”. I’m sure the email is correct (i.e. it’s an existing user).

I know that the recent problem with emails sent by Bubble is solved so I guess it’s something different.
Any hint? Thanks in advance,

Try it with a user you didn’t create

I just tried. The problem is there both for users that I created as an admin and for test users I created following the regular signup flow.

And the regular sign-up flow is an email and password flow, right? or social media login?

Are you doing anything else with the token in the workflow?
Any client-only action will not receive the token. Maybe some other action in the workflow is client-only and does not handle empty values.

The first step is the one in the screenshot above. All the arguments are not empty and the user’s email is a valid one.
The second step is in the screenshot below: I send an email that contains the token produced in step 1.
When I’m in debug mode, it seems that the problem pops up in step 1

@basel.3adel yes, a regular one

Have you tried running the preview without plugins?

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Can you open the browser inspector, go to console tab and then run the workflow
Can you take a screenshot of the console error?

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@dorilama I tried to run the page with

and it worked! The only plugin being used was an “Airalert” which is appearing also in that workflow.
I then reloaded the page without those parameters so to reactivate the plugin and it worked!

I guess it’s a problem related to corrupted cache as pointed out here:

Thanks to all of you.

I’m glad you solved it :slight_smile:

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