Show in the Repeat Group the information of every current cell index

Hello community !!
I need your help, I am having a hard time showing the contents of the Repeater Group cell in a Pop up with another repeater group for editing information. I want the user to click on the edit icon to be able to view the cell phone information regarding his command, I saw that if I put the icon in a group and define it as (Parent group’s VISAT - Health Education) and in the Workflow use the Animate - Data Display command relate to the element and use the same workflow this would work, however, however, it does not work and displays the same information as the first line on any line that is clicked, and I would like the information contained in the index cell clicked to be displayed. Can someone help me.
I thank the attention.

Olá comunidade!!
Eu preciso da ajuda de vocês, estou tendo dificuldade para exibir o conteúdo da célula do Grupo Repetidor num Pop up com outro Grupo repetidor para edição de informações. Eu quero que o usuário ao clicar no ícone de edição ele possa visualizar a informações da celular referente ao comando dele, eu vi que se eu colocar o ícone num grupo e defini-lo como (Parent group’s VISAT - Educação em Saúde) e no Workflow usar o comando Animate - Data Display relacionar ao elemento e usar o mesmo workflow isso funcionaria, porém, todavia entretanto, não funciona e exibe em qualquer linha que for clicada a mesma informação da primeira linha, e gostaria que fosse exibido a informação contida na célula index clicada. Alguém pode me dá um socorro.
Desde já agradeço a atenção.

Hello, see if the group of the button that calls the popup is pulling the current cell


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Well, in fact, you don’t need to put the icon in the group and if you want, you don’t even need to put an icon to call the pop up with the line data, when I did this workflow I did it as I learned, but you wouldn’t need to, you can pull the pop up directly from the current’s cell group or directly from the icon within the group or button, you just have to assemble the workflow as shown.

entwndo, I thought you weren’t able to show the data in the Popup, but if everything went well, I hadn’t noticed that your post was from last year lol …

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At the time I wasn’t getting it, but I found out what was happening and fixed the workflow, thanks for the attention

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