Social media app

Hi bubblers, i want to create a social media app where users can upload pictures ,write text,and invite friends to view their profile and visitors looking for their friends can search their names in a search box ,please what kind of workflows would i need to allow users search for each other on the web app and to allow them upload pictures

you might want to look into buying a template

Creating a social media app is very intensive work but very rewarding in the end.

Data Types

  • Alerts: User, alert type, alert creator, alert receiver, alert text
    -Messaging: creator, receivier, text, image, video, timestamp
    -Posts: pic, text, video, image, creator
    -User: handle(@username), favorites/likes, followers (list of users), following (list of users), picture, name, info/bio

You should start using Dribble and Uplabs to get a good feel of design and watch AirBNB clone tutorial. It is $50 but it teaches you how to use bubble. I know Airbnb is different from a Social media app but it shows the foundation which is needed.

This will show you the workflows that are needed.

Start keeping a journal of the purpose of the app, the target market, and design. This will help you not lose track of creating the app.

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