Stuck in a loop with reseting inputs

I wanted to keep things simple on my form:

  1. Use the “input should not be empty” to validate form.
  2. Reset the form when Cancel is clicked.

But then I created a monster:

  1. In order to reset input when cancelling, I need to trigger the reset inputs with condition that the inputs in question are not empty.
  2. However, since the inputs cannot be empty, the Cancel button will be disabled unless the form is completely filled in.

I’ve been using Bubble for a while now, and though I appreciate the value of a “reset relevant inputs” when the conditions are just right, I still don’t understand why just cant reset specific inputs or set their values somehow. :-1:

So a result, in order to achieve this simple UX, I have to remove the “input should not be empty”, create a “validation” state on my form, build form input validations triggered when the Submit button is hit and only initiate the true process flow once all input conditions are me, OR I need to refresh tha page, which consumes my app’s capacity, makes poor UX, and makes me feel like a caveman hitting the refresh button with my mace. :man_facepalming:

I guess this is more of a rant or cry for help than a post actually a requesting for help :expressionless:

If you do the “Reset group/popup” action on the input’s parent group it will reset it :blush:

You can set the default value to a custom state, then set the custom state value as needed (and also reset the input’s parent group just to make sure it goes back to default value if its been manually changed) :blush:

OK, I am quite perplexed. I would have bet my arm resetting the group data would not reset the inputs… :thinking:

Thanks for showing me the way.

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