I thought it might be the depth, but I tried it with no sub-paths and i got the same result (I even tried using a different link and non-link element test subjects) - the link worked and the workflow failed.
@sudsy I’m having the same issue. I have a reusable with Sudsy Page in it and when I use Go to URL via SudsyPage in a workflow it works for the bubble page I’m currently on, but it won’t go to another bubble page. I can send you the details directly, but I thought maybe there was something you already discovered that you can share. Thanks!
That’s by design. Sudsy works intra-page only. (And you’ll likely see a message to that effect in the JS dev console if you know how to access that.)
To navigate to another Bubble page, simply use Bubble’s built-in Go to page action. The sole purpose of the Sudsy Page plugin is for advanced intra-page URL routing.
Thanks! The intra-page only functionality is good distinction to make and it really helps me wrap my head around the best way to use Sudsy Page with reusables.
For a better user experience, I’ll use a conditional so that if the user is on the same page as the destination then it’ll use the Go to URL via SudsyPage action for smooth intra-page linking. If not then I’ll have a conditional to use Bubble’s built-in Open an external website action so that I can dynamically build a path to the Sudsy Page recognized URL on the other page.
That sounds like a good approach. Yeah, the whole impetus for Sudsy was to enable a high-quality same-page navigation experience. While Sudsy is often used in the context of a single page application (SPA), I actually use it to “segment” and organize my app into different “sections” - each section being a different Bubble page but with multiple “routes” (URLs) to access different content via that page. Sounds like you might be doing something similar. Sudsy is quite flexible in that regard.