System requirements to run Bubble editor?

Are there some listed system requirements to run Bubble editor?

Over the past year it has become really really tough for me to work with Bubble editor. And in last couple of days it has become just unusable almost.

I need to keep closing all other applications, browser windows to run Bubble. And even then a simple task of going to another page or opening element tree etc take up a lot of my time and browser ends up crashing every few minutes.

It shouldn’t be so difficult to use Bubble when I am opening only one page at a time, one instance at a time?

Few years ago I used to run two Bubble editors together in one browser with no issue and now I can’t run even one properly even after closing other windows.

I have a Macbook Air with 8 GB RAM.

Yeah. 8GB of ram is not enough anymore. I go with at least 32GB of ram and I still need to restart sometimes. :blush:

I find you need to regularly play “Browser Roulette” these days to find out which one Bubble is arguing with the least.

But you are usually trading something off. Right now I’m having to use chrome as on any other browser, the top menu gets frozen and I can select pages/undo/switch branches - basically anything that is in that menu. So needs a refresh to resolve. Which is bad news if you need to undo anything (Happens in Brave, Edge, Arc), and occurs anywhere between 10 seconds after page reload or can go a few mins sometimes.

But it comes at the price of having “Browserr is busy - wait or close” popup every few mins, even if its just a simple resuable page which Im not actually using at the time. So again, keyboard needs regular replacement as the F8 key becomes worn out.

But even when you think that a browser is working well, give it a week or two and you’ll have to experiment again.

128gb RAM, Ryzen ThreadRipper CPU, GTX3090 GPU - makes no difference. I can hammer AI images and video, load local AI models all day long, but can barely go 5 mins without Bubble shitting the bed.

Wow, people have moved to 128 GB RAM?

I didn’t think I needed all that for regular stuff.

But Bubble is making me feel I need. I can work on heavy files on Canva with multiple tabs without any issue or have multiple heavy google spreadsheets open in my browser and so on.

But in Bubble I can’t have just one instance open and work seamlessly.

Something must be wrong in the way they load the application or handle memory?

I’m on a MBP 2021 M1 Pro Max Chip with 64 GB of RAM and 1TB storage. I don’t have many issues just occasionally refresh the editor and clear my cache

I also use Arc for browser