I’m trying to accomplish “2.2.2 Deleting rows” from this post .
The repeating group’s content type is number:
All the elements in the workflow are in within the cell:
For this step to work, I need to be able to dynamically select Current cell’s number, but only Current cell’s index is available:
If I try Current cell’s number as a data source for the parent group, I get a conflict because the content type is text:
However if I make the type of content number, it breaks the dynamic data in the text box:
Any help as to where I’m going wrong would be greatly appreciated.
July 22, 2024, 3:19pm
Not sure exactly what you need but if you want to keep it as string, just use :formatted as after current’s cell number. This will change the type from number to text
@Jici Thanks!
I tried that, and this is the result:
I still can’t select Current cell’s number dynamically in the deletion step:
July 22, 2024, 4:30pm
This is parent’s group text no?
No. If it set it to Parent group’s text, I get this:
If I set it to Parent group’s text:formatted as, these are my options:
July 22, 2024, 6:12pm
What is the type of the state? number? so you will need to convert it again to number. (using :convert as number)
What are you trying to do?
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Thanks, that seems to have solved the problem. I’m trying to delete rows from a custom state “row_numbers” where each row is a cell in a repeating group.
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