The Reset Password Bubble "Reset pw"

Hi, i am using the Bubble Reset Pw, when i put the email en “Reset Password”, I click in SEND EMAIL and I get the email, and the link inside takes me to page “Reset your Password”. Then i put the “New Password and the confirmation password” and click “Confirm”. After that i get the message “Not Valid password reset request. Please have another reset email sent to you”. and it never takes me to the following page. Please someone who can help me.


Every time you click to reset your password Bubble updates the request link in the server. So the only valid reset link should be the link sent in the last e-mail.

As Bubble takes a little long to send the email, it is very common the user clicks more then once in the button when doesn’t receive the e-mail quickly, leading he to a loop of keep always trying to reset a password using an expired request.

Make sure to click once and wait until you receive the e-mail!

Also I’m sure you’ve seen it but some website have logic on page where the button isn’t clickable again for 60 seconds, which is nice for this issue

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