Trying to pull app data into my pages via search function

Hello. On my index page I have a search box. I also created a button beside the search box. I added a new view and 2 columns within app data". I was able to program the search box to bring back the value in column 1. My goal is to type something in the search box, click the button and when the button is clicked, it will take me to a second page displaying the data in column 1, and column 2 from within app data. I’ve been working at this for a few days and am getting nowhere. Is anyone familiar with how to achieve this?

Learning how data is sent between pages is a really good skill to learn when you’re getting started with building web apps.

Specifically, the concept you’re looking to explore is how to create parameters and retrieve data based on those values.

I recorded a primer video, covering the basics of how URLs work. Within that, I talk a bit about parameters. I have another tutorial covering the basics of setting a parameter up within Bubble (expanded version coming soon).

Dan (creator of LearnTo - lots more great tutorials there).

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Hi Dan,

Thank you for all this information. I really appreciate it. I will take a look at this and reach out if I have questions. Thanks again for your time and attention.


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