Hello all,
Have seen several posts addressing multi-tenancy and having two types of users that sign up, however, i’m still struggling to piece together these solutions offered for my specific use case.
I have two sets of users - 1. multiple unique businesses that will edit their info on a backend portal and 2. customers of those businesses that interact with the web app that pulls the data from a specific business.
When businesses sign up/log in where can that info be saved so that it doesn’t interfere with the data stored from the customers who sign up on a different page and have different data fields associated with it?
I have seen people suggest adding a field that selects the user type but this wouldnt necessarily work in my case as each user has different data fields, unless im mistaken. Also a challenge is that the sign up and login actions automatically store that info under the user type that comes as a default in bubble.io.
I’m happy to clarify further but am hoping someone can shed some light on a possible solution.
So far as I understand and what I have done so far, is to
Create just one user type with fields that apply to all users, as well as fields that apply to only specific users (buyer/seller etc.).
On your sign-up form, have a drop down for people who sign up to select what type of user they are signing up as (e.g. buyer or seller).
Depending on which type they selected, you create a workflow that directs them to a page such as a profile page where they need to enter further data field info. On this page, the profile form data fields that you display are only those specific to that type of user.
So essentially there is just one thing in your database (user) but you display pages to users according to specific data fields they have entered. This separates users from each other into categories.
If I understand you correctly, you have different user types using your app. I have 6x Type of users signing up and using my App. this is how I archived this on my app.
On the User Data Type, I created a Type_Of_User field. (this is the field which will tell you if this user is a Business or a Customer)
This will work. You can create as many Data Types as you want and display them to users based on their type of user, which they will have to specify when signing up.
I could basically follow up to step 3, but not sure what a user component is? Sorry new to bubble so trying to figure it out. I have been trying to do exactly what you’ve pointed out e.g. A business user, and customer user the part im stuck on is how do I send each type of user to their own seperate pages ?
Welcome on board , I wish you all the best with your bubble journey, it’s awesome
So the User component is just a name I named my user page.
in your case, you can have it like this:
Business user page (name it your way - I named mine SP_Component)
2.Customer page (I named it user_Component)
When you have your pages created, you can then tell your workflow where to go or which page to show only when current user’s Type_of_User is (your user type specification)