I have a table that records the orders coming to the factory called ORDER-TABLE.
I want to create a repeating group that show all:
Incomplete orders
Being a printed type or being of ItemCategory “Tote” or Category
t the moment all the constraints work together in buble how can I create a condition that either one or the other needs to be true for the repeating group? Also, creating more than one categories for the results?
Is this possible, if not I guess I have no option but to put a conditional when the order is created before the order arrives on the ORDER-TABE and have a field called CustomCondition that is yes or no.
I think this can not be easily done with one repeating group.
But what you can do is: Have more than one repeating group and show/hide them based on which conditions you want to use. You can use a custom state to define which conditions is currently active.
So in your case you would have 3 repeating groups: first checking if completed = yes, second checking if printed = yes and third checking if catergory is in a list of categories (you could use a state do define which categories you want to include).
Actually this is easily done by merging searches. The data source of the repeating group can be Search for Orders (complete = no, printed = yes) merged with Search for Orders (complete = no, ItemCategory = Tote)
Merging searches gives you your OR feature. Try it out.