Workflow not completing if window not focused

I am noticing that “do a search for…” is not working when my my focus is on a different tab or application (sometimes)

Has anyone experienced this before?

Yes. That’s how it works.

That’s not very good then. Do you have any idea how to continue my search for when the window is focused again? @keith

@neerja is this for performance reasons?

If the page is not in focus, execution stops. That’s not a Bubble thing, that’s a browser thing.

I hate to break this to you, but Bubble just builds web things. Know the web things and you know the Bubble things, right?

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Why are you being sarcastic, you are a moderator and very old man behave yourself. Not everyone is a web nerd and has programming experience like you. Change your tone, you make this forum unpleasant to ask question.

I’m not being sarcastic. Appealing to support for help with browser things will not help us. We must understand what is going on. If things are beyond our control, we must understand that.


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