Zerocode Page To Pdf : how to send the pdf file generated by email

Hello, how can I obtain the pdf file generated earlier in this workflow.

It is stored on the file manager but I don’t how to retrieve it and send it.
Otherwise how can i use the “Attach to type” and “Attach to”

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Hello @usinelachine,

Thank you for reaching out, and apologies for the late reply over the weekend!

From your images, it looks like you’re on the right track. The generated PDF is indeed saved in the “Output file URL” state, but you should first ensure it has fully generated by using the “Converting is finished” event.

We’ve also added a dedicated section in our documentation for this use case—sending emails—as well as others. Bubble Page to PDF Converter Plugin

Regarding “Attach to type” and “Attach to,” those are only needed if you want to make the file private and associate it with a specific person. If you plan to save it in a specific table, you can just use the mentioned state once the PDF is generated.

Hope this information helps. Let us know if everything is clear or if you have any further questions.

Have a great week ahead!

Best regards,
Support Team
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hello, can you specify how the states work. Also, how long can I check the converting processing is finished. I mean, at the moment, it seems to be “infinitly converting”. What could cause the pdf not to end ?

Also, I have added my workflow. I don’t understand why my attachement file is still empty and why the email sent has not been received in gmail

Hello @usinelachine,

Thanks for your question.

The generation time depends on several factors, such as the PDF dimensions, internet connection, and server workload. Typically, it should not take too long, and you won’t get stuck in an “infinite conversion.” If something goes wrong, an error message will appear.

As mentioned earlier, please use the “Converting is finished” plugin event. This event specifically triggers when the PDF is ready and state is available. Could you please let me know if you have tried to use the event and send the email afterwards?

Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions. :pray:

Best regards,
Support Team
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hello, thanks for your answer. Following a review of your previous email, I did try the “finishing event” and it worked!

Otherwise, I would be curious to know your idea about my previous problem I had with the converter. I wanted to convert a “repeating group” though the problem was that the conversion was done before the repeating group finished displaying all its results. It then gave an half empty pdf. Note the process needed to be automated cus I need to send that conversion in email. Anyways, even if I used the event “only when page is loaded finish” or “only when repeating group is finished”, it seemed the display of the repeating group did not follow this “timeframe” and the trigger of the loading finished didn’t correlate with when the display was done.

How would you have solve this problem?



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Hello @usinelachine ,

Thank you for your message and confirmation!

It’s great to hear that the proposed event worked well for you and is functioning properly. Regarding your question about using larger repeating groups in Bubble, it’s true that they require time to fully render on the page. You can use the RG’s “is loading” state, as you may have already tried.

Another useful workaround is to implement a feature that automatically scrolls through the entire repeating group, ensuring all data is fully loaded. Keep in mind that the Page to PDF plugin prints the page or group exactly as it appears on the screen, so it’s important to make sure every element is fully visible before generating the PDF.

Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best regards,
Support Team
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how would you see that in bubble. I mean, the “is loading” is not effective as bubble seems to be “ending” loading at the moment the information is known rather than displayed. How would you implement a feature that automatically scrolls though the entire repeating group ensuring data is fully loaded. Is it possible within bubble ?

Btw I have also found another issue. I use the custom format and set the height of the pdf document with the height of the repeating group. In that case it is 1800 units approximatively. I do the the same with the width which is 361 px.

But this is what I get : a height that is 5 times the sze of the repeating group.

these are my options

and a proof of the siez of the pdf generated

document pdf size : 96 × 86 816 mm (portrait)

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Hello @usinelachine,

Thanks for reaching out!

Regarding your first question, there are others workarounds for your use case. For example, you can use Bubble’s “Scroll to” action to jump to the bottom of the page, or use a dedicated plugin that provides this functionality.

If you’d like a specific feature added to the plugin, you also have the option of sponsoring the development. Simply complete this Airtable form, and we’ll get back to you with more details: Airtable

As for your second question about the Custom format, the action will retrieve the exact values you specify. To test this, try using static text and observe how it’s displayed. You can also use the step-by-step mode to inspect the action and confirm the exact values being returned.

Hope this helps! Please let us know how it goes or if you have any other questions.

Best regards,
Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble

hello, I will double check - but that is the problem. So my pdf file is suppose to be 1800 px but right now it is way bigger.

In bubble, it says the documents has 1900 px of height
thought in reality it brings it to 328123.46457 px

I tried with other height of repeating group and i get the same 328123.46457 px

Thought the width is alrite.

Here is an example

and now look at the document lenght (btw i turned 90 degrees to see how big the lenght is)

all the white is extra that is not suppose to be there and look at the size with the drag table at the bottom

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Hello @usinelachine,

Thank you for your message, and apologies for the delayed response over the weekend.

Regarding your concern, it is indeed unusual. We’ve tested further on our end, and each time the height and width displayed correctly, so it’s possible there are other factors within the app influencing the printing CSS.

To investigate this further, could you please add our Support Team email as a collaborator and share the link to your app? This will allow us to examine your settings and replicate the issue on our end. To add our Support Team, follow these steps in your Bubble Editor:
Settings > Collaboration > Add email

In addition, please provide instructions on how to reproduce the issue, including the page name where the plugin element is located, any relevant groups or repeating groups, the plugin element configuration, and associated workflows. A short description of the steps to follow, as well as any necessary user credentials to log in, will help us troubleshoot effectively. If possible, a short Loom video demonstrating the process would be greatly appreciated.

For your convinience, please feel free to reply in DM.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to your reply!

Best regards,
Support Team
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Okay so basically this is an online ticketmaster.

So to reproduce the issue, you need to “buy a ticket” using the "fake credit card stripe test # 4242424242424242424424242424 "

Okay first

By checking the EVENTS you find this pdf abnormal lenght

NOTES : to ensure the fact that the PDF is produced after the REPEATING GROUP has finished loading, there is a system of custom events to trigger the pdf production. In the WORKFLOWS, the “PDF GENERATION” is under the CUSTOM EVENT “IMPRESSION 2”

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Hello @usinelachine,

Thanks for your message and for providing all the details.

We successfully accessed the app and printed the PDF following the provided steps. Each time we printed the ticket, the width and height were displayed correctly, and the PDF was generated as intended.

The issue on your end might be caused by third-party tools in your browser or your computer’s printing settings. Could you please try testing the page in Incognito mode or using a different browser and let us know how it works?

Also, please try using another device to access the app and let me know the outcome.

Thanks, and we look forward to your reply.

Best regards,
Support Team
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