Hi @ZeroqodeSupport and @ZeroqodeTeam,
Around 12:30MST today, August 9, 2022, Bubble pushed an update through that broke the Server Side PDF generation in your “Bubble Page to PDF Converter” plugin. I suspect they updated an NPM dependency. The symptom of the bug is that the server side action to render a PDF from an HTML element is no longer respecting any of the layout within the containing element. Can you please investigate which Node modules have been altered.
Yep mine is doing that as well, it randomly took a picture and scaled it to the whole page and pushed everything else across two more pages.
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Carefully picking through the computed properties on the element I can see that Bubble is overriding all positioning with “0 0 0 0 relative”, thus relying on the browsers positioning rather than specified positioning. This is using the old layout engine, not the new responsive engine.
Hello, friends.
We are investigating this issue now. Sorry for any inconvenience 
Zeroqode Support Team
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Thank you again. Sucks that Bubble creates these problems that you have to solve. I’m running some tests to see if I can replicate the problem in the new responsive engine. I’ll let you know.
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I’m on the new response and yes same issue.
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Considering that even the previous version of this plugin doesnt work well (if i scroll down a lilttle, the pdf gets wrong), you can use this plugin that is running well by now:
I think the zeroqode pdf plugin its better (because this plugin doesnt print the text as text, just as an picture), so as soon as it works i will come back to zeroqode plugin again.
Yes we have had a lot of good experience using the Zeroqode plugin for generating small PDFs server side. We have printed thousands of barcode stickers for COVID test sample collections with great success up to now. We even got the plugin to render PDFs that were good enough to be used on a MagiCard 300 badge printer. We really need this to be addressed. And again it sucks that it was a Bubble update that broke the plugin.
We really liked this plugin because it respected SVGs nicely. It rendered SVGs as native postscript vector commands instead of creating a raster of the SVG; which means the quality of the barcodes is only limited by the printer resolution, not the rendering engine.
I rebuilt our reusable that calls the plugin, using the new responsive engine. By tweaking a fixed layout group within a relative group I was able to get the raw layout to come through correctly even though the CSS was not being sent. So there is hope…if you have patience with the new responsive engine.
Any movement on this? I have a few apps that use this plugin for invoicing and this is negatively impacting them and those that use them quite a lot.
Hello @aaronsheldon, @tylerboodman, @benjamin.doerries, @joqr231210, @designers
Thank you so much for your patience. 
We’ve updated the plugin and adapted it to the recent Bubble changes. Kindly ask you to upgrade your plugin to the latest version (1.64.0.) and give it a try.
Have a great day!
Best regards,
Zeroqode Support Team
Thank you so much!!! Works great with both the old engine and the new responsive engine.
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Than you so much Zeroqode Team!!! It works great (but remember the drop downs doesn’t shown yet)
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You are always welcome! 
Unfortunately, our plugin can not handle dropdown styling and displaying picked value via the dropdown since the “Generate pdf from HTML server-side ConvertortoPDFv2.0 A” action is made on the server-side, that is running on Ubuntu OS. Since it is not supporting Windows/macOS dropdown styles, the Page to PDF plugin can’t handle dropdown styles accordingly. Sorry for this inconvenience 
Zeroqode Support Team
You guys are running the “server side” option on an external server and not charging monthly for the API?
And does that mean if using the V2.0 Server-side the computers screen size doesn’t affect the output PDF?
Sorry for the late reply, @tylerboodman.
This is internal information about the plugin work/structure and I’m afraid we can not agree/disagree or provide any details on this point.
Our plugin gets oriented on the page viewport, though the conversion is made server-side. Here is a visual example of what it means:
Hope it helps. 
Regards, Zeroqode Support Team