When I do a manual call this works, the email gets sent with parameters to the template. But how Do I send these parameters from the workflow from the repeating group?
This will be a list of items chosen from a checklist where the user should get the list via e-mail.
Actually, you are putting everyting in the same parameters.
But in this case, you need to have an object {} for each line
this mean 2 line.
But if you have dynamic data that will change on how many item you will have, you will need to use a more complex option
You will set in API Connector: “calculation_details”:[<calc_detailss],
And in the workflow, for this part, you will use :format as text.
Please read this post for a few informations about that
In the API-connector I substituted the whole JSON part that will loop with a handle like this (compare it with the picture in my first post and you will get the substitution):
So the “calculation_details” : [<calculation_details>]
And then in the workflow you find the repeating group or a list you want to parse in there and use :format_as_text
Then in the text field content you put in the whole expression that should loop, and just substitute the variables with “add dynamic content” lite this:
Hi there ! I’m struggling on this one ;( I read your post, but it seems i cannot make it works … if you have any idea, that would be nice ^^
The email i’m trying to send works well with postmark, but when i try to add a list as you have set up, i do not receive any email … Attached you can check my set up
any clue ? many thanks